*Disclaimer: this article might offend some people. Please remember this is my personal opinion and is not intended to personally attack anyone.
I've been working out for about 10 years now. I started in my first year of college, even though I really didn't know what I was doing, but I had a gym membership. Because it was so new to me, I looked to fitness magazines for inspiration. I flipped through the pages using their workout routines for some kind of structured plan and viewing the fitness models as #goals.
But if there's one thing that I truly I learned from those magazines--one thing I wish I knew BEFORE I started working out--it's that even those models don't actually look like that.
So while I was in the gym, following those exact workouts to a T and cooking up those models' favourite recipes for getting strong and being lean, it was all a lie.
Those models are usually just used for their stage-ready looks. They are used in supplement ads to promote fat loss and get paid a lot of money to make false claims. Hell, they even try to target 'female protein powders' to buyers. Newsflash: there's no protein powder that's better for a female or a male. It's bullshit. It's embarrassing that we believe it too.
In college I studied graphic design and creative advertising and I absolutely know how to use Adobe Photoshop. The females in those magazines don't even look like that. They come off stage from a fitness competition and hop in front of the camera. They don't stay that lean or shredded year-round. We all know that isn't healthy; they even know that too. But for the magazines, that's what sells. And we eat it up. We're a damn gullible society and we believe so much that's in front of us.
So whether you're starting out with a new workout plan, or you've been at it for a while now, remember that those magazines models shouldn't be #goals or a look that you strive to have year-round. It's not likely attainable, because even those models don't look like that all the time. One or two days in a year, and that's it.
Is there one thing that you wish you knew before you started in your fitness journey? I would love to hear feedback and opinions from you as well! Share it with me. Comment on my Instagram photo for this post or send me an email: courtney.u@live.ca